This free, one-day conference in Gothenburg (location details on the Attending page) will teach you a lot about the Microsoft Data Platform. It gives you a wide field of tracks inluding among others: Business Intelligence, Development, DBA, Azure, PowerBI and IoT. All this delivered by leading world-class international and local speakers! Sign up here: https://datasaturdaygothenburg2024.eventbrite.se
Schedule is live!
Precon with Grant Fritchey is live!
Query tuning within SQL Server can be a tough skill to master. The tooling within SQL Server enables you to identify poorly performing queries , troubleshoot their behavior and tune the queries, all a little easier. This workshop teaches techniques for gather metrics and then tuning queries using all the tools available in more modern versions of SQL Server. You'll be able to put this knowledge to work immediately in your 2016 or better instances and in your Azure SQL Database databases. You will be tuning your queries faster and more accurately using the tools available.
Tickets include precon, lunch and fika.
For the after-event, we will go across the river to TaKeT Rooftop Bar,Skeppsbroplatsen 1 where B3 will host the after event-party. Don't forget to sign up for it, in order to help us with the planning.
This event would not occur without the sponsors. Make sure you make them feel appreciated!
And also, take a look at Data Saturdays Main page.